Sunday, June 1, 2014

Design of a Good Ecommerce Website

Design of a Good Ecommerce Website

Ecommerce can be defined as process of communicating and transacting online through the internet. Prior to the advent of the internet the buyer and the seller needed to meet face to face to clear any doubts and for the transaction of money. The situations have changed drastically and it is now the internet that acts as a connecting media between the buyer and the seller.

Some of the key issues considered for designing a good Ecommerce website design are as follows.

There is neck and neck competition among different websites to cater to the buyer. Retaining a current buyer is equally as important as creating a new one. In these times one cannot afford a buyer to go to the competitor. For this the buyer has to be facilitated with options at ordering and cost. The website should be having embedded software for shopping cart and exhibit the feedback from the earlier buyers. Tools like PayPal that help in easy transaction of money needs to be used. The facilities provided to the customer can only help at staying ahead of competition.

There is nothing wrong in visiting your competitor's website. This can be of much help because it can reveal what strategies they use to get the customers buy their products or services. This can also throw light on how the website needs to be designed and developed.

When the manufacturer comes directly in contact with the buyer with out any mediator, the price of the product is going to be without the charges levied by the mediators. This at times can prove to be cheap and cost effective too.

The ecommerce website should be designed in such a way that it interacts with the buyer and creates a report with him/her. The more the interaction the more is the customer satisfaction and consequently more the referral market.

Ease of Home:
The efficiency of Ecommerce is dependent on, how much comfortable is it to the customer, for buying the offerings of the website. If the navigation through the website is made easy, the buyer easily finds what he/she is searching for, can easily place the order for what he/she wants to buy and pay the charges directly through the internet. The feedback of the buyer should be positive. This makes it clear that the Ecommerce website needs to be designed after considering the prime importance of customer satisfaction.

Search Engine Optimization:
The Ecommerce website design should be considered relevant by the search engine. Some of the features taken into consideration by any search engine are keywords, keyword phrases, links, compatibility with the browsers and ease at navigating through the website.

The efficiency of any Ecommerce website can be optimized through maximizing the number of clicks, and converting the visitors into buyers. This depends directly on the Ecommerce website design.

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