Friday, May 30, 2014

Advantages of Electronic Commerce

Advantages of Electronic Commerce

Today I want to talk a little about advantages of electronic sales that became possible due to appearance of internet. With regard to electronic commerce, it should highlight the difference between the electronic trading of tangible goods and services and e-commerce information in electronic form, the product or service can be sent directly to the network (video, voice, text, software, etc.). Market research, analysis of new opportunities, information on legal issues, auto-generation market data - everything can be done electronically now.

In recent years, efforts to improve business performance and produce better results are achieved by means of communication between businesses and customers. Business processes are spreading outside the company and each company has its own procedure, for example, virtual enterprise, where each participating company is playing by their rules, but at the same time interacting friendly companies conceal their market opportunities from other market players in order to have more profit.

When companies can jointly create a virtual company, including all the production of goods and offering of services development to sales, it is expected that many changes will happen in the associated industry structure. One example is tele-shopping, which attempts to avoid the retail services between users and producers of goods. Therefore, relationships between manufacturers and retailers in the sector is becoming less important and etc.

Potentially, e-commerce can fully manage the supply of business process participants, regardless of the geographical location and time zone.

Electronic commerce is not a limit set by a state or geographical position, but rather by the spread of computer networks. Electronic commerce offers the opportunity not only to small suppliers to be online, but also to engage in business globally.
How does an average user profit from this. It is a global option - a user can choose one of the most necessary of all potential suppliers and get his product or service, regardless of geographic location.

Electronic commerce allows suppliers to compete more effectively in dealing with customers. Companies working in electronic form try to offer their customers a better service of sales, to provide more information on a given product and quickly answer any questions that a customer may have. Therefore, customers are served better and faster.

As you may see electronic commerce has a lot of advantages. If you do not have an active commercial presence online, you should be worried for your competitors will definitely outperform you sooner rather than later. I hope to point out electronic commerce disadvantages in my next article.


For more information on similar topics I recommend visiting: Google Products, Google Homepage and Google Earth Online.

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